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The  Klauss Vianna Technique (TKV) is a Brazilian contemporary dance and somatic education technique which stems from the research conducted by the Vianna family (Klauss, Angel, and their son, Rainer). Its fundamentals are the research and awareness of movement, the development of autonomy, the indissociability between technical and creative work, and the respect for each person singularity. The  TKV is based on principles and topics which are meant to be investigated and incorporated. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that the technique integrates dance and somatic education, deepening both the self-consciousness of the movement and context awareness.


The significance of the Vianna family’s research in the Brazilian dance scene has been intense and revolutionary, encompassing a historical trajectory that has crossed several states  – Minas Gerais, Bahia, Rio de Janeiro, and São Paulo – from the 1950s up until today. Since the beginning of their artistic-pedagogical research, the Viannas have called into question the rigidity of classical ballet teaching, thus establishing in reaction innovative elements fundamental to Brazil’s modern and contemporary dance. Some of the major changes introduced by them are improvisation in dance classes and performances, studies of stage presence and composition, a somatic approach to movement research, and an experiential study of anatomy, focused on the bone system. Besides, the Viannas’ innovations were also crucial for drama studies; by removing the boundaries between the dance and theater concerning movement research, they inaugurated the role of body training for actors, broadening the practice regarding stage expressivity in Brazil.


Rainer Vianna (in partnership with his wife, Neide Neves) worked on the systematization of the technique (both as a development and accreditation of his family’s research), naming it "Klauss Vianna Technique" in honor of his father. The systematization does not fix a way the technique must happen, it rather clarifies principles that guide the research and enumerates movement topics and vectors that are fundamentals to the exploration.  This endeavor led up to a training course at the Klauss Vianna Dance School (1992-1995), founded by Rainer and partners. The systematization has become a significant contribution to the continuity and development of the TKV research, allowing the next generations to have access to the teachings of Klauss and Rainer (both having died in the early 1990s).


Angel continues her dance practice and research at her school in Rio de Janeiro (Angel Vianna Dance College). In addition to her role as an educator and administrator, she remains a creative dancer, performing all over the country.


Nowadays, the Klauss Vianna Technique is a well-known and respected work in Brazil. Not restricted to dancers and artists, there are researchers from different areas – outside and inside the university – applying the TKV to their work, establishing a fruitful dialogue with artistic, pedagogical, and health-related studies (and their possible ramifications).


To practice the Klauss Vianna Technique means being able to explore dance through improvisation and composition scores, discover and transform motion patterns, investigate the body axis, find deeper layers of movement research, sharpen creative skills, and improve context awareness. All this may result in a process of self-discovery, that is singular to each person and which happen regardless of age and previous dance experiences.

Klauss Vianna
Angel Vianna
Angel Vianna
Photo by Maurício Maia
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Rainer Vianna
Photo by Juvenal Pereira



The Salão do Movimento (Campinas, Brazil) is a Klauss Vianna Technique research center founded in 2001 by the dancer, choreographer, researcher, and Ph.D., Professor Jussara Miller. She has studied with both Klauss Vianna and Rainer Vianna and has also participated in the systematization of the technique led by Rainer latter in São Paulo. She published the Klauss Vianna Technique systematization in her first book, A Escuta do Corpo (2007) (Eng.: Listening to the Body).


The Salão do Movimento has a range of classes and courses, such as daily classes for children, teenagers, and adults, creative and didactic processes in the Klauss Vianna Technique, internships for university students, and courses for dance teachers for children. It is also a space for Jussara Miller and other artists to develop their artistic projects, as well as a venue for artistic performances and dance festivals.  


My experience and qualification in the Klauss Vianna Technique took place mainly at the Salão do Movimento, where I started my studies in 2001 (as a child), my artistic career in 2009, and my teaching activities in 2011. I have also studied the Klauss Vianna Technique with other artists and teachers who worked with the Vianna family, and in 2016 I completed a postgraduate course on the Klauss Vianna Technique at PUC-SP University.


At the Salão do Movimento I have developed my research as a TKV teacher for teenagers, a nonexistent approach until then. After seven years of practice and study, the results were published in my first book Outros Caminhos de Dança (2018) (Eng.: Other dance ways).


For more information visit Salão do Movimento website! 

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Salão do Movimento
Photo by Christian Laszlo
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Jussara Miller
Photo by Christian Laszlo
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